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Payment by Credit Card:  Please fill out the forms below.

Payment by Check: Please mail your check to Abundant Hope Pregnancy Resource Center, P.O. Box 537, Attleboro MA 02703. 

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Champion of Life - $5000 $0.00
As a major donor, your gift is essential in ensuring that we are able to keep fully staffed and operating to serve more women in their time of crisis.

Defender of Life - $2500 $0.00
As a Defender of Life, you allow us to maintain and expand our hours of operation in order to reach more women at their time of crisis.

Promoter of Life - $1000 $0.00
Allows us to operate and maintain all medical equipment, supplies and testing and will permit expansion of our ability to provide 3D ultrasounds for better visualization of a baby in utero.

Gift of Life - $500 $0.00
You will support one woman through counseling, pregnancy testing and ultrasound. It is through these efforts that a life is saved.

Supporter of Life - $250 $0.00
You will support one client through her life-affirming ultrasound evaluation by our Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer.

Heart for Life - $100 $0.00
You will support one new client through her life-affirming crisis counseling session where her fears and concerns are listened to and compassionately discussed, along with providing her a special gift.

I would like to make a custom donation



Please contact Abundant Hope at 508-455-0425 with questions.


 Join us for a fun and

inspiring evening with

Nationally Known

Pro-Life Advocate

Eleanor McCullen 

to benefit Abundant Hope

Pregnancy Resource Center


Thursday September 22

Lake Pearl Luciano's, Wrentham 

6:00 -7:00 PM Appetizers and Cash Bar

7:00-9:00 PM  Sit Down Dinner and Program


Discounted early bird tickets

$75/person are available through Sept. 12

$85 per person ticket price Sept. 13 -18


Help us make a difference for LIFE!